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Pitch Script

Through my research on the College Democrats, I’ve discovered how important it is to find a place with like-minded people, to collaborate...

Blog post 9- Past Classes

I looked at three different blogs - Kaitlyn West, Carolyn Davidson, and Juliana Bruno. In all three blogs, I saw that under each tab...

Response to BBG Chapter 15

This chapter of BBG has made me have to consider more what my rhetorical situation is. My research project was on the College Democrats,...

Research Paper

Research Proposal: How do the College Democrats Communicate Their Goals Through Social Media? As I enter Florida State University, I...

Conference Reflection

After my conference, I have a slightly better idea of where I plan to go with the text analysis portion of my project. I have two...

Annotated Bibliography

Cooper, Jorryn, and Nathan Davis. “An Interview with College Democrats VP.” 4 July 2018. In the interview, we discussed the basics of...

Feedback Ideas

In my research paper, I plan to discuss how the college democrats use their social media to stay active in their community, on campus,...

Community Profile Draft 2

College Democrats and Student Activism, a Community Profile When I looked at the FSU College Democrats’ Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter...

Research Proposal Draft 2

As I enter Florida State University, I realize the amount of resources I have and just how many opportunities I can take. The one I think...

Personal Profile Draft

Brian is currently a sophomore at FSU. He is 19, and is a jazz and philosophy dual major. He spends most of his time playing trumpet. The...

Annotated Bibliography Draft

Fullam, Jordan. "Becoming a Youth Activist in the Internet Age: A Case Study on Social Media Activism and Identity Development."...

Community Profile Draft

Jorryn Cooper Mat Wenzel ENC2135 July 11th, 2018 Social Media: College Democrats and Student Activism When I looked at the FSU College...

Blog Post 7 - Response to BBG Chapter 13

BBG Chapter 13 helps you analyze reasons for including sources in different ways. The first way is with a direct quote. This way, you...

Blog Post 6 - Response to BBG Chapter 1

For my blog post, I decided to read chapter 1 just to give myself a little more background information. What I found the most interesting...

Meeting Reflection

After my meeting, we decided to cut out the last few sentences of my essay because they were pretty repetitive and didn't contribute much...

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